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linguistics and language origins and properties

 linguistics and language origins and properties

linguistics definition , studies , language origins and language properties 

Linguistics :

 Linguistics is the systematic study of the structure and evolution of human language.

 Definition of language: “Language is the expression of ideas by speech sounds combined into

 words, words into sentences”- Henry sweet


linguistics and language origins and propreties
linguistics and language origins and propreties 

 Five areas of study:

 Phonology: analyzing how sounds function

 Morphology: the study of the structure of the words Formal

 Syntax: the study of structure of sentences Linguistics

 Semantics: the study of meaning in languages

 Pragmatics: how context affects meaning 

 Internal structure of the language 

Applied linguistics: 

Sociolinguistics: social aspects of language use (race, gender...)/ 

 Psycholinguistics: acquisition of 1st lang vs 2nd lang /

 Neurolinguistics: Cognitive phenomenon/ ESP 

Linguistics is a social phenomenon that is Reliable, Objective, Valid and Systematic 

 Scientific methodology operates through:

 • Observation

 • Statement of the problem 

• Hypothesis

 • Data collection 

• Data analysis

 • Conclusions 

Origins of language:

 Divine source: If human infants were allowed to grow up without hearing any language around them then they would spontaneously begin using original god given language 

Natural source: is based on the process of onomatopoeia[1]

  • Early human tried to imitate animal sounds to refer to other animals (bow-bow theory) 

• Another version of language developing from natural sounds is provided by the pooh-pooh theory. According to this hypothesis, the first words developed from natural cries of emotion made by the first humans.

 The social interaction source:

 • Yo-he-ho theory: The first humans might have developed a set of various grunts or calls that were used when lifting something heavy for example 

The physical adaptation source:

 in the study of evelutionary development , there are certain physical features , best thought of a partial adaptations which appear to be relevant to speech.

The equality of languages

 Are all languages equal?

  A dangerous question as it leads to prejudice (not scientific) 

 If answered by “no” it implies the superiority of languages over others

 Are all languages equally complex? 

 All natural languages are complex 

 There are AREAS of complexity for example: in terms of sensitivity, Arabic is more complex than other languages 

 English is considered more complex in terms of phrase combination 

 They are NOT equally complex => differences in areas of complexity

 Are there languages easier than others?

 Depending on:

  Degree of exposure 

Attitude towards the language and culture

  Motivation 

 Geography: being multilingual creates an openness to learning

 Are there inherent limits in the language? 

• No <3 

 Taboos for example are not a result of a handicap in the language but more related to external factors 

 There is no language more suitable for technology or science.

 It is mainly a historical impact => government language policy and planning

 Do primitive languages exist?

 • Primitive people yes but primitive languages no (not 100% proven) 

Are there languages richer than others?

  It’s not a matter of rich and poor but a matter of whether a language needs a certain word or not + technological and social needs 

 We can’t compare languages in terms of quantity because words are added to them every day.  The addition relates to external factors 

CONCLUSION: To answer the question of equality we can compare:

 • Complexity: there are areas of complexity

 • Difficulty in learning: all difficult with different degrees 

• Quantity: all rich but difficult to quantify 

• Ability to express idea: depending on needs of their users

Properties of languages

 Arbitrariness: No natural connection between the form and the meaning => the shape of a word doesn’t tell you about its meaning 

Vs Animal communication => animal signs resemble to the message => NOT arbitrary => innate

 Productivity: The ability to produce/ extend sentences never said before 

VS animal communication: LIMITED => expresses simple specified desires

 Duality: there are 2 layers of speech

 1- Physical: individual sounds = meaningless 

2- meaningful elements 

 The ability to recombine meaningless elements to produce meaningful ones 

Vs animal communication:signals cannot be broken down into separate parts

 Displacement: the ability to talk about events regardless of the time and place (future, past, different countries etc.)

 Vs animal communication: animals can only signal to what takes place at that moment

 Cultural transmission: language is not inherited.

 Someone will learn the language that they are exposed to no matter what their origins are.

 VS animal communication: they have specific signs that are produced instinctively.

 Learnability: The predisposition to acquire a language

 Reflexiveness: the use of language to talk about language (like we do in class lol) 

 Doesn’t exist for animals

 Interchangeability: sending and receiving messages Not always possible with animals (for ex bees) . 

You can see too :

normal people quotes

Linguistics :wikipedia


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